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Wednesday, September 3, 2008's News Now: Oil Price Could Fall to $85

CNBC News Now
DOW 11532.88 alt 15.96 +0.14%
NASDAQ 2333.73 s -15.51 -0.66%
S&P 500 1274.98 alt -2.60 -0.2%
s Wednesday, Sep. 03, 2008

Video 1 1. Apple's Sweet News

Video 2 2. Oil Price Could Fall to $85

Video 3 3. Ospraie Hedge Fund Goes Under

Video 4 4. Beige Book Reaction

Video 5 5. Stop Trading, Listen to Cramer!

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Apple Says "Let's Rock" With New "Family" Of IPods

A big Apple event next Tuesday has the web rife with speculation about a new family of iPods, and a MacBook refresh. Click here to read more.

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BOEING V. MACHINISTS: Overnight, we should get the results of the Boeing machinists' vote on a new labor contract. Sticking points have included Boeing's proposal to stop offering medical cover for future hires and putting new workers into a defined retirement benefit plan rather than Boeing's traditional pension fund. Pay has also been an issue... the union calling Boeing's first offer "insulting". Phil LeBeau is live with the latest, as Boeing hopes to avoid a material shock to production.

MCCAIN'S BIG NIGHT: The night after Sarah Palin presents herself to America, John McCain is scheduled to do the same. How effective can he be? And how effective was the VP nominee? John Harwood is on the scene with the story.

CHAIN STORE SALES: Will declining gas prices and increased consumer confidence save one of the slowest seasons on record? Or will practicality reign once again, as consumers are still worried about their jobs, credit lines and declining housing values? When retailers report September's same store sales results, discounters are projected to dominate while high-end department stores Saks and Nordstrom are expected to be the weakest. Margaret Brennan follows the numbers and the stocks.

CHAIN STORE SALES: Will declining gas prices and increased consumer confidence save one of the slowest seasons on record? Or will practicality reign once again, as consumers are still worried about their jobs, credit lines and declining housing values? When retailers report September's same store sales results, discounters are projected to dominate while high-end department stores Saks and Nordstrom are expected to be the weakest. Margaret Brennan follows the numbers and the stocks.

DEADWOOD: IT'S ALIVE: The nation is being hit with various pests killing off millions of trees, especially the lodgepole pines across the West. It's remaking the face of the Rockies. Now some are harvesting those dead trees, helping avoid fire danger and turning them into furniture.

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