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Tuesday, September 2, 2008's News Now: Boone Pickens at the NYMEX

CNBC News Now
DOW 11516.92 alt -26.63 -0.23%
NASDAQ 2349.24 s -18.28 -0.77%
S&P 500 1277.58 alt -5.25 -0.41%
s Tuesday, Sep. 02, 2008

Video 1 1. Boone Pickens at the NYMEX

Video 2 2. Mismanagement By McCain

Video 3 3. Murdoch the Liberal

Video 4 4. Browser Wars

Video 5 5. Maria's Market Message

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Gasoline is Dropping; Are SUVs Ready to Roll?

Filled up the tank lately? I have, and it's nice to see the cost of gas has come down a bit. Not a huge drop, but enough that it's noticeable. So about that SUV... Click here to read more.

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Hurricane Gustav-Recovering with Shell: After shutting down ahead of Gustav, the energy industry is franticly trying to get back up to speed... making sure the infrastructure is intact and the wheels get back in motion. Scott Cohn is live in Robert, LA, at Shell's Command Center, where the energy giant is working 'round the clock to assess the situation and get back to normal.

PALIN'S BIG NIGHT: With all the controversy surrounding Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin, she takes the stage in St Paul to officially accept her party's endorsement. John Harwood is live on-site ahead of the pivotal night.

VIRTUAL WORLD, REAL MONEY: Virtual Worlds aren't all fun and games: they're increasingly used in the workplace, for everything from virtual meetings between employees in far-flung offices to specialized training. Virtual worlds are also gaining prominence in healthcare, Cigna offering virtual world health seminars, using game-like interactivity to help reduce employee absenteeism. How much do virtual workplace environments save companies and what can they accomplish that real world interactions can't? Cigna's Chief Health Officer, PWC's IT Innovation director and Metaversality's CEO weigh in. Julia Boorstin will be live from the Virtual Worlds Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

BRANDING THE BIRD'S EYE VIEW: You see it every year at the US Open: the blimp. This year, Directv has branded the blimp... and it's a big investment: literally and from a budget standpoint but its worth it. Darren Rovell went up in the blimp for a ride.

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