FANNIE AND FREDDIE ON THE BRINK: Shares of Freddie Mac Fannie Mae tumbled and then recovered Friday as Wall Street continues to worry about the health of the mortgage companies and the potential for a government takeover. CNBC continues its full coverage of the latest developments. |
ANHEUSER TAKEOVER: A deal is expected this weekend in the much-ballyhooed takeover battle between Belgian brew giant InBev and their target, American brewer Anheuser-Busch. The Beligian company raised thei offer by $5 a share to $70 in an effort to seal the deal. David Faber reports the ins and outs and Scott Cohn is live in St. Louis, where a national and local icon is in danger of losing its independence. |
HOW TO TRADE GENENTECH EARNINGS: Genentech's total revenue and earnings are just a small and relatively unimportant part of what investors will be watching when the bellwether biotech releases quarterly results on Monday. Mike Huckman explains what investors will really be focusing on. |
ECON WEEK-AHEAD: Steve Liesman looks at a big week of econorama, as Ben Bernanke takes to Capitol Hill Tuesday and Wednesday for his semiannual Congressional testimony on the economic outlook. Additionally, key indicators like CPI will weigh heavily on a market begging for good news. |