Click here to view today's top stories on your mobile device. | Friday, Sep. 18, 2009 | | | The NEW Age of Walmart CNBC's David Faber takes you back inside the biggest company in the world for an all-new, unprecedented look at Walmart. Watch the first sit-down interview with the new CEO. Learn about the aggressive new "green" policies and what's behind the new store overhauls.
What do all these changes mean for this retailer? Don't miss "The NEW Age of Walmart" -- premieres Wednesday, September 23 at 9P ET on CNBC.
»Watch a sneak peek now! | | TODAY'S TOP 5 VIDEOS | 1. The New IPO Boom | Eight IPOs are set to debut next week, with Linda Killian, Renaissance Capital and CNBC's Erin Burnett | 2. The Weight Loss Arena | Arena Pharmaceuticals says a big study shows its diet drug is safe and effective, but apparently not effective enough for investors, with Arena Pharmaceuticals CEO Jack Lief and CNBC's Mike Huckman | 3. Cowboys $12 Billion New Home | The Dallas Cowboys play their first regular season game in their new billion-dollar stadium against the Giants on Sunday Night Football, with CNBC's Darren Rovell. | 4. NY Observer's Real Estate Paper | The NY Observer is launching a commercial real estate newspaper as concerns escalate about a collapse in the sector. Jared Kushner, owner of The Observer Media Group, discusses the launch with CNBC. |
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