All News, Video and Posts related to TOPIC: Earnings

Tuesday, June 17, 2008's News Now

CNBC News Now  
DOW 12160.3 alt -108.78 -0.89%  
NASDAQ 2457.73 s -17.05 -0.69%
S&P 500 1350.93 alt -9.21 -0.68%
  Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Video 1 1. Goldman's Earnings Shine

Video 2 2. Corn Crisis

Video 3 3. Corzine on Markets, Economy

Video 4 4. Prescription for Profits

Video 5 5. Stop Trading, Listen to Cramer!



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Housing Starts Fall: Why That's A Good Thing

With inventories of new homes at a record high, Diana Olick blogs on why construction companies should be extra careful about putting a shovel in the ground to build a home. Click here to read more.

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MORGAN STANLEY EARNINGS: On the heels of golden Goldman Sachs beating the street big-time on Tuesday, Morgan Stanley is set to report before the bell Wednesday. The banks are hoping the worst of the mortgage related-mess is behind them. Will Morgan Stanley's earnings reflect onward and upward movement? Mary Thompson parses the report to find the trends in financials and the current position Morgan Stanley holds in a volatile environment.

FEDEX EARNINGS: Both Northrop Grumman and Boeing say the Air Force discovered errors in its calculation of the operating costs of the competing aircraft in the $35 billion refueling tanker contest that Northrop won in February. Well, now the final outcome is near, with the GAO handing down the decision by Thursday. Jane Wells has the latest.

RUNNING ON HYDROGEN: It's green, it's clean and it's promising. Automakers are racing to create the most fuel-efficient vehicle on the market and Honda's making news. The Japanese automaker began producing a next generation fuel-cell vehicle this week hoping to propel hydrogen-fueled autos closer to mainstream and onto roads worldwide. Phil LeBeau explains Honda's rollout plan and vision for running on hydrogen.

REAL ESTATE GURUS: It's a real estate summit on Squawk Box, with the biggest gurus in commercial real estate joining the Squawk gang Wednesday. The housing market is still in the doldrums, but commercial real estate is holding up better, can it continue to fight economic squeezing? CNBC's resident real estate guru, Diana Olick, wraps the highlights.

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