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Thursday, January 3, 2008's News Now

 Thursday, Jan. 03, 2008
1. Bill Gross on the Economy:
PIMCO's Bill Gross discusses his top-rated fund as well as his outlook on the Fed and the economy.

2. Merrill Job Cuts:
The firm may be preparing for major cuts very soon, reports CNBC's Charlie Gasparino & Roben Farzad, BusinessWeek Magazine.

3. Trillion Dollar Survey:
A survey of the biggest money managers, who handle more than a trillion dollars, and what they think about key issues in 2008, with CNBC's Michelle Caruso Cabrera.

4. Stop Trading!
Mad Money host Jim Cramer sheds light on the markets with CNBC's Erin Burnett.

5. Weather Channel Bidding War:
Discussing whether the Weather Channel is worth more than $5B, with Roben Farzad, BusinessWeek; CNBC's Julia Boorstin & Dennis Kneale.

Weather Channel: Why It Might Be Worth A $5 Billion Deal

People care about the weather, but can a TV channel about it be bought for $5 billion? Julia Boorstin blogs on why The Weather Channel has a big deal in its forecast. Click here to view posting.

1. JOBS REPORT: The Labor Department releases the monthly jobs report. Diana Olick reports the breaking news from the Labor Department and Steve Liesman and Rick Santelli provides analysis.

2. WHERE THE ECONOMY MEETS THE VOTE: The economy is a major issue on the minds of voters throughout the country as the 2008 Presidential Candidates march into New Hampshire to win the votes of the important New England state. Hampton Pearson talks to New Hampshire voters about the issues weighing most on their minds.

3. FROM IOWA TO NEW HAMPSHIRE: John wraps up the results from the Iowa Caucuses and hits the voting trail as the candidates continue their grassroots campaigning into New Hampshire.

4. CANDIDATES' HOME REPORT: As the country struggles through real estate woes and subprime troubles, Diana Olick takes a look at where the presidential candidates call home, comparing their home values and statistics.

5. FED IN THE BIG EASY: Steve Liesman is in economists' heaven at a conference expected to draw 8,000 fellow forecasters to New Orleans. One of the big draws: Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn participates in a "Expertise and Macroeconomic Policy" discussion. Heady times indeed in econoland.

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