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Friday, June 13, 2008's News Now

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DOW 12307.35 alt 165.77 +1.37%  
NASDAQ 2454.5 s 50.15 +2.09%
S&P 500 1360.03 alt 20.16 +1.5%
  Friday, Jun. 13, 2008

Video 1 1. NBC's Tim Russert Dies

Video 2 2. Realty Check: Housing Blues

Video 3 3. Beantown's Brightest

Video 4 4. Stop Trading, Listen to Cramer!

Video 5 5. Maria's Market Message


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NBC's Tim Russert Dies: Meet the Press moderator and author Tim Russert dies of an apparent heart attack at the NBC News Washington Bureau, with NBC's Tom Brokaw and CNBC's John Harwood.


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Right Time To Buy An SUV? It Sure Is!

There is a market out there of people who truly need the utility and capability an SUV offers. And as Phil blogs, right now those people are salivating at the possibilities. Click here to read more.

CNBC Blogwatch

Tune In to CNBC Tomorrow!

LEHMAN BROTHERS EARNINGS: The investment bank that's dominated headlines lately reports earnings in full, after last week's preannouncement while CFO Erin Callan still had her job. Mary Thompson breaks down the hotly anticipated results and call.

TANKER BATTLE COMES TO A CLOSE: Both Northrop Grumman and Boeing say the Air Force discovered errors in its calculation of the operating costs of the competing aircraft in the $35 billion refueling tanker contest that Northrop won in February. Well, now the final outcome is near, with the GAO handing down the decision by Thursday. Jane Wells has the latest.

UNEXPECTED BOOST TO THE ECONOMY: Jim Goldman is live at San Francisco's City Hall, the day before legalized gay marriage ceremonies are set to begin officially. A UCLA study finds that gay couples will infuse the California economy with an estimated $700 million in new revenue over the next three years. Is this social change an economic boon?

TOBIAS TRIAL UNDERWAY: At 930a ET, opening statements get underway in the trial to determine who will inherit the late hedge fund manager and CNBC guest Seth Tobias' estate, in excess of $25 million. Scott Cohn covers the saga live on site.

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